Sunday, October 29, 2017

Beauty In The Broken

Butterfly, Mosaic, Yellow, Colorful, Mural, Decoration
When I think about different parts of my life, I feel like Humpty Dumpty. I am so grateful that I have a God who could take the pieces of me and my life and put it all back together again, but I cannot tell you how many times I thought of myself as damaged. The truth is, there is beauty to be seen in the broken.

Mosaic art is made from pieces of broken porcelain or glass. The Japanese used to repair their pottery with gold and silver making them each piece that much more beautiful. When we give God our broken pieces, we surrender in a more complete way, and he makes such a beautiful masterpiece with our brokenness. You see, when He has our weakness to work with, that is when He is the strongest in us, and can really do His work. 

I spent a long time fighting my weakness and need for Him, because I wanted to maintain strength and independence. What a mistake that was. I am at my best when I am functioning in God's strength, not my own. I don't need my independence, I need Him. I can stand strong when He is supporting me, and when I don't have the strength on my own, He keeps me going with his strength. He also uses my scars to tell a story of hope to others. He can do the same for you!

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